Thursday, October 23, 2008

Summer Breeze to Frozen Knees

With October almost gone I cannot believe how quickly we have gone from Summer time sweating to early morning shivering as the temperatures dip below 50F and the number of bikes I pass in the morning can be counted on one hand.

Where only weeks ago a pass through an early morning sprinkler brought a smile to my face and the shade on the side streets brought a cool respite from the morning sun it has now been replaced by seemingly endless stretches of Mt. Everest like cold followed by fleeting patches of warm sunlight.. come on Spring.

I have always been partial to Fall for numerous reasons; Football, Halloween, leaves turning and being able to wear long sleeved shirts under Minnesota Vikings jerseys. The smell of leaves burning and chimneys being lit for the first time all bring me back to a time when I was a kid.. bills were something I jumped out of the car and ran into the Power Company or the Water Works Board for my Mom and the motorcycle was a 50cc “Indian” mini-bike that was faster than any of my friends conventional bicycles.. ack ack ack, silly mortals.

Now the bills are something I contend with myself, the motorcycle is the “Fat Lady” and leaves are needing to be raked into a pile and burned. I still love the Fall though.. riding through a street full of leaves and seeing the 'wake' I leave behind me in the mirrors still makes me smile. The red cheeks and runny nose after a forty-five minute ride to work make me look like a larger, older version of me as a kid, coming in out of the cold after running all the gas out of my bike.. 'look at him.. how cute.' Now there's a different look people give me when I'm pulling into the parking deck when it is 40F.. like they think I'm insane, I can only agree.

Why DO we subject ourselves to the elements when we could jump in the car and ride in comfort? Why take the time to wrap yourself up every morning in layers and layers of clothing and masks, and glasses and gloves and helmets when a trip in the car just requires you sit down, crank up the heat and drive?

I cannot answer for you but as for me there is no better way to experience the world every morning. So until the Alabama snow forces me to winterize I'll see you on the road.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Dragon...

Here we are…Heritage Soft Tail and me. Riding on back to the house from Smokey Mountain Harley Davidson, it feels nice. But what I love the best is the sound. There is nothing…I mean there is NOTHING that sounds as nice as a Harley. Deceleration…blam blam baam…you know the sound. We get back over to cousin Mark’s and I get to do my *most* favorite thing … (said in the best sarcastic voice I can muster up) …ride down his freakin' gravel driveway …on a bike I am not used to….that doesn’t belong to me. I made it fine…all is well in the universe.

It’s the last week in August. Temperatures are around 97… in the grass…so add a few degrees for pavement, slap on a helmet and let the sweating begin! Seriously, we packed water, sunscreen for my nose…why does my nose get sunburned before anything else and I look like W.C. Fields at the end of a ride? Mark and Paulette on his Road King…me on the Soft Tail and off we go. Soon I remember I have no gloves, I borrow Paulette’s. Nice gloves. I wanted to amputate my left hand before the day was over…there was a little bump or something in the leather….ah but I digress. We do some awesome riding down some wonderfully beautiful roads. Around lakes, through valleys, amazingly curvy and we are just cruising….or putting along if you will. You sport bike riders would have been in pure misery, had you been stuck behind us. Mark and I are kindred spirits…we like to putt through life. It probably has nothing to do with the many brain cells we lost as teenagers and on into our 20’s…we just move slow and enjoy the scenery of life. It takes us the better part of an hour to get up to “The Dragon.” We stopped along the way, fueled up, got advised by the gas station lady that I should not ride the Dragon. Mark was chastised by this stranger for wanting to take me there. We laughed and told her ‘Aw it’ll be alright.” He and I chatted about how the bike was handling. I felt the bike handled a little cumbersome, due to the engine protruding between my short legs and the balance was so much different than what I was accustomed to. Mark told me that when we got back on the road, there would be one more stop. The last stop before the point of no return. “If you feel uncomfortable by the time we get to the next stop its okay. We don’t have to go.” We passed three police cars, all whom had motorcyclists stopped. Yep, I am glad I am a putter. When we got to the next stop, this point of no return…I thought, “What the crap is the big deal? It’s just curvy road.” It was mid-week so The Dragon was not crowded. There were only 15 or so bikes stopped at this point. Great view and a photo op…met some guys from Pennsylvania and other places I don’t recall….they had traveled the furthest. After Paulette smoked her final cigarette (this trivia will become important later in the day at Cherohola)…we mounted up and took off to conquer the Dragon. 315 Curves. 11 Miles. NICE Ride. I could see however, that if one was to get impatient, ride beyond their skills or just plain go to fast…impending doom lie just around the next curve. Switchbacks and straight down the bank if you were to miscalculate your turn. Your tires go off the edge…you are toast. We make it to Deal’s Gap. Time for a burger and a t-shirt. You know what is lying in the parking lot that is awesome? There were thin, ~ 2”x4”, red, rectangular, hard pieces of plastic to slide under your stand to keep it from digging in and the bike falling over. They were just the right size…If I had been a stealing woman… I keep saying I am going to put a little piece of wood in my bag, but I keep forgetting. We finish our burgers … good burgers by the way….I get a sticker and a t-shirt…and we are off to the Cherhola Parkway. So far…Harley is doing fine…as long as I keep moving…

Stay tuned for Cherhola and other antics… AngelVal

Monday, October 20, 2008

Barber Vintage Festival 2008

Besides the rain on Friday, it was a perfect weekend for racing vintage motorcycles, looking at the classic bikes up close, and wandering thru the biggest vintage swap meet I have ever seen. The weather cleared Friday afternoon, so we did not get to witness the Vintage ride to 29 Dreams. Even after four days in attendance at this event, I still did not get a chance to see everything. There was so much going on, all of it interesting, that it was difficult to even experience a bit of it all. The racing, which took place all day long, combined with the swap meet, which I did not get to soak in totally was quite enough. Throw in the demo rides provided by Triumph, the Japanese Vintage display, the antique fire equipment, and Rhett Rotten and the Wall of Death just to mention a few, and you had quite a weekend.

The racing was amazing, even with the slower, older bikes. You could really see how those guys were working to get every bit of performance out of those old machines. It was just as interesting to see the efforts keeping them upright in the corners (not always successfully). If you have ever been to a race, you will notice the place is laid out like a golf course, with a race track in the middle. There are so many places to relax and view large portions of the track. The trams also make it easy get from one end of the course to the other relatively fast. Nice, relaxing slope await you in front of almost every straight and turn on the track.

If gear was more interesting to you, then 3 acres of vendors and collectors awaited just a few feet away from the track spectator's area. Not too many vendors looked the same. They had a nice variety of older gear, mixed in with parts, restored bikes, choppers, and a few very unique and unusual items(find out more about the Will Power Motorcycle soon). I am sure a few hours could have been spent in here, shopping, discussing, and listening to the stories these guys had to tell.

I also had a chance to glance at the beginnings of the new motocross track on Sunday, to catch the vintage motocross. I believe the track was authentic....small jumps on a relatively flat track - the way it was back in the day. Just being able to sit on the edge of the perimeter road and watch those amazing bikes from the past was a real treat. The air show was a bonus, one that everyone could enjoy, no matter where you were seated.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Contemplation...and Remembering...

October 16, 2008

The old Suzuki Volusia was the precursor to the Boulevard C-50. I bought it from an old guy who decided he just couldn’t ride anymore. He put 17K miles on it...and it was pretty. Always garage kept, white and silver everything polished. He even added hard bags and a trunk. Inside the trunk was a little treasure for long rides…a CB Radio. He had his helmet rigged up to be able to plug in and go. I didn’t keep the Suzuki long, just a few months, then I started thinking…bigger I want bigger. I had sworn I would never go as small as an 800 again, because the little 883 Sportster like to have beat me to death in the 90’s. I sold that pretty little thing when I went back to college (but college is another topic). The good thing about the Sporty was that I sold her for what I bought her for. So now I am thinking…Heritage Soft Tail…and I get a call from my cousin Mark, he is turning 50. We grew up together, always loved each other more than momma’s love their microwaves, and he asked me to come up to help celebrate his birthday. He wants us to ride “The Dragon” together. He lives in Townsend, TN…and I live in Chilton County, AL….I really want to try out a Soft Tail…I say give me an hour…and I will be on my way. I drove the cage up (Honda Civic si).

Upon arriving at cousin Marks, we discuss going over to Smokey Mountain Harley to rent me a bike to ride a couple of days. Mark calls and reserves that Heritage Soft Tail I have been drooling over. We go on over and I get it for a couple of days. It is always a little entertaining to watch men try not to “little lady” me (you know that is a *slight*pet peeve of mine). The guy doing the rental paperwork with me kept looking at me….like he was sizing me up. We went out to check the bike out…the dude stopped just short of saying, “Are you gonna be alright?” His body language was eat up with … I don’t know about this…she’s really short…and she’s a SHE. I am generally quiet when guys go through this internal sizing up…I figure if you hang with me long enough, you will figure out everything is okay. Mark knows those guys up there; he and I had exchanged glances and did the mind meld thing, so he began to notice the rental dude doing the internal freak out. I heard Mark snicker a little under his breath…then he walked up…told the guy to relax, “She’s been riding since she was 11.” I took the Heritage for a trial spin around the lot, came back and thanked the guy…and away I went. The rental guy was super nice and he did very well covering his apprehensive feelings, but I am a woman and a mother…it’s hard to hide when you are with me.

Coming Soon….The Dragon and Me…and other tales.


Monday, October 13, 2008

The Beginning...where will it lead?

I finally got serious about finding some folks to ride with. The folk’s that told me about are the couple that rides the little scooters in the Most Alabama Counties Challenge. Nice folks they are. Upon visiting the website, I saw there were lots of rides going on…and I had no idea!

Living down here in Chilton County (aka Nowhere, Alabama), I rarely see anyone out on a bike. Being a lady rider, I am somewhat apprehensive to approach some big burly man on a motorcycle… and if I do decide to talk to him…more often than not, the thought runs across my mind - when he mentions getting together to ride…Why is he asking that? Is there an ulterior motive? So caution guides me. Now guys I don’t want you to think women riders operate in paranoia mode…but dang…it’s a crazy world out there. Oh and please don’t “little lady” me…True I am all of 5’2” and true enough if I park in the wrong place, I might have to ask for some help…but we all need help now and then don’t we?

Speaking of parking. I needed to tag my Suzuki Volusia, so a trip the illustrious Chilton County tag office was in order. Being 5’2” and on a substantial size bike comes with its “challenges.” The Courthouse is across the street from the tag office and court was in session. I ride in, scope the area for a reasonable parking place. By reasonable I mean that geometric calculations were occurring at lightning speed inside my head. I do not want to park where I am too leaned over on the kick stand. I do not want to park where someone on their cell phone, drinking coffee and adjusting the radio can run over my bike and I do not want to park where I can get a ticket. So I choose the bank across the street. I *thought* my calculations had served me well. Upon returning, I place my new tag on, put the stickers on, get everything situated in the saddlebags, get helmet on…you know the whole ritual. I swing my leg over and get seated on the bike and go to lift it to upright position. Uh, it ain’t gonna happen. It seems with all the calculations in my head; I have made a dread error. It is leaning too far to the left and my little short legs can NOT lift it into an upright position. Oh Crap! So now a scenario is playing in my mind. I am going to have to ask a perfect stranger for help. Totally embarrassed, I am sitting there on my bike with my head hung in shame….waiting……waiting for a warm body to appear. Finally, a clean cut gentleman, wearing scrubs, about the age of 40 comes out of the tag office. “Excuse me sir. I have myself in a precarious situation. Would you or could you be so kind to give me a little nudge to the upright position? Just 2 or 3 inches will do.” He was so kind and did not make me feel like an idiot although I felt like one anyway. He said, “Sure, I have done this myself." [which I sort of doubted]. He helped me and off I went. So, when we are out riding together….and we get ready to park…you may perhaps see what appears as anxiousness come across my face…while I calculate my parking position. I mean dang, how many humiliations can a person take??

Hopefully…first in a series…


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Bridges of Blount County - covered bridges that is

Took a short ride up into Blount County to see three of the remaining bridges. We got pics of two and also took a run up into Palisades park in Oneonta. Video to come...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Bored out of my skull, waiting on my tire

Spending the afternoon at Victory Suzuki Warehouse putting a tire on.
So I walked back into the showroom to check the new Ridley's. These
things are crazy. 500cc's and will run 85 MPH, built for a dwarf, I had to get a picture.
----sent via Mobile email

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Faunsdale bike rally

Once again the time has come to polish the bike, load it onto the trailer, haul it down the middle of nowhere, and ride it around in a cow pasture. It does not sound like fun, but of course it certainly is. The fall rally is one of two rallies held every year, and they are always fun. More information can be found about Alabama bike rally and other riding information about Faunsdale, check out the calendar for other motorcycle events in Alabama